My exposed sissies
These days I had quite a few sissies visiting Me and begging Me to have them exposed. And this is one of my favorite things to do. For some reasons I’ve always had a thing for true sissies. Maybe the fact that they are so feminine, so eager to become slutty and to dress up in such lovely outfits…or just panties, but each time I managed to get them sluttier and sluttier. This week for me, in my online chat, it has been about sissies, every day had at least a couple of them come by and tell me how they wanted me to make them dirtier and better and better at becoming more feminine. Maybe because I have this tendency to listen and observe so I can see what they lack and what can be better about them. I do care about how slutty they are and how sluttier they could become if they followed some of my tips. That’s why I’ve always had such a good connection with sissy slaves. Now I am going to expose just the sissies that requested that.
Unfortunately most of my sissies don’t want their pictures shared here. So while others are paying to have their face pictures removed from here…such as sissy rosy…right now there are other slaves asking to have their pictures up on here. I am now exposing here slut chris from London:
And slut chrissy:
Keep up the good work sissies, you can become sluttier and sluttier there is always room for more kinky stuff in your lives!
One Comment
How can I get exposed. I want to be totally humiliated.