• Updates

    Want to know what’s new?
    Here are a few of the things that happened lately in Miss Anna’s chats:
    slave marky stoke his friend’s panties and tried them on for me haha. Here he is caught in the act:


    Have you ever tried on stolen panties? Slave marky did and then posed for me like a sexy slut:


    What else is new? I got a present for my bday, and that’s a nice gift certificate from my loyal slave herb. Thnnk you slave herb!!


    What else deserves to be mentioned? My Gf my gf, love my gf!! Erika and I will be hosting a session soon, so you’ll get the chance to watch us both teasing, denying, instructing you, in a few words driving you crazy. You all said you loved my eyes, my legs and everything, so how about we double that?? Who can resist? Well I can’t resist her and she can’t resist me either. What about you?


    Lick our heels! Both pairs! I know you love it… So double pleasure for you