Hobby time

As you can see I am back from my vacation so it’s time for some blogging. This blog post is a request from a lot of you who have been asking me what I’ve been up to and… what I like to to in my free time.

My days were full, been away for a week, traveling, relaxing shopping, catching up with friends. Then back at home to relax even more and dominate my loyal submissives who had been patiently waiting for me.

A lot of you guys want to know more about me, and I am planning to post more about me on here. The truth is I’ve never talked about my hobbies here, except shopping, and camming, those I mentioned a lot.


Other than shopping, I like tennis a lot, and I also like to eat a lot hehe. I love tasting new foods, experiencing new tastes all the time. Today I went out, played some tennis, then went out to have some sushi. Then I went and got a nice cup of cappuccino with my favorite dessert. Yum!!


Another one of my hobby is reading, love books, make up, and I enjoy all the little pretty things that can make a girl happy 🙂

miss anna

Another one of my hobbies is traveling, but I am sure you have noticed that already. Speaking of traveling I am leaving on another vacation next week, going to be away for almost 10 days. Then leaving again in october, and november, have my vacations planned carefully. I guess, you could say, that traveling is my biggest hobby. I could never get enough of visiting new places…so now you know so much more about your favorite Mistress already 🙂

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