New letter from slave
Here is a fragment from the newest letter I received from a potential slave:
“Please consider having me as your new slave in your life Goddess, I promise to cherish and love and serve You forever. As well as:
-I surrender my body to You, Goddess. You own my body and you
Own my sex life. I agree to give up all of my rights to sexual
gratification. I accept Your judgment and Your authority over if,
when, and how I may receive sexual release.
– I agree that sex is for the female’s pleasure, thus I will
sexually satisfy You whenever and however You
request it. I also understand that while I must stay
monogamous in our marriage, You have the right to have
sexual relations with anyone that You so desire.
-I realize that in order to fulfill my potential, I must live a
disciplined life. Therefore, I agree to regular discipline
sessions that You will utilize to train, teach and guide
me. The particulars of the discipline sessions will be totally
up to You, Goddess.
-Above all, I agree to love, cherish, honor and obey You, my Goddess
for now and forever.
Please please please accept me as your new loyal slave. Thank you, Goddess…”